Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

🔗 Shortcuts

I love automating stuff on my iPad thanks to the built-in Shortcuts app (previously: Workflow). Here’s the list of my best Shortcuts:

🔗 Photo Info - quickly manipulate photos on iOS and Mac

Thursday, March 13, 2025 /photoinfo/

On my #iPadOnly journey I keep making lots of Shortcuts to improve my work on the iPad. Sometimes I need to manipulate images or photos. Here’s a handy Shortcut for it:

Photo Info - quickly manipulate photos on iOS and Mac

🔗 LinkTitle - an easy way to get a title of any page

Thursday, January 16, 2025 /linktitle/

When you’re working online like I do (“I write random stuff on the Internet”, after all) very often you have to copy and paste links. Also their titles. To make it easy, I decided to create a simple Shortcut that will get the title automatically for me. Feel free to use it, too:

LinkTitle - an easy way to get a title of any page

🔗 🍎 Apple Shortcuts and problems with IFs and blanks

Wednesday, October 16, 2024 /blanks/

One of the reasons I can be so productive being #iPadOnly is the fact that I use Siri Shortcuts a lot. I have them for Action button, Clipboard management, Notes, Journaling and much more… The problem is that both the Shortcuts app is very poorly written by Apple (crashes, freezes, scrolling issues) and with many iOS updates Apple “upgrades” the way Shortcuts work and suddenly something that used to work, just stops working. Recently this happened to me with my Tinify Shortcut. In iOS18 there was even a bigger change…

Apple Shortcuts and problems with IFs and blanks

⌨️ 🔗 Use Tinify (TinyJPG and TinyPNG) to compress your images

Tuesday, October 15, 2024 /tinify/

When I was doing the migration from my old blog at to this one, I wanted to make sure this one loads fast also on mobile phones. So I painstakingly compressed all of the images using a free(ish) service called Tinify. I wanted to both have cookie and eat it, so have lower file sizes AND great quality. I automated it using Shortcuts and each image was reduced by between 70%-30% of the original one without visible loss of quality. Here’s how I did it (and no, they are not a sponsor, I just recommend them because I like them).

Use Tinify (TinyJPG and TinyPNG) to compress your images

📱 🔗 How to download YouTube videos using YT-DLP and a-Shell on the iPad

Thursday, September 26, 2024 /ytd/

A few years back I wrote a tutorial how to download videos to the iPad using youtube-dl and a-Shell app but it stopped working because of a court order. Luckily there’s a fork of this called YT-DLP which you can use again. Here’s how it works:

How to download YouTube videos using YT-DLP and a-Shell on the iPad

✅ 🔗 New To Do - official Nozbe Siri Shortcut for iOS and Mac

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 /newtodo/

I’ve created a version 2.0 of Nozbe Shortcut to add tasks recently and it’s much more powerful. Here’s what it can do:

New To Do - official Nozbe Siri Shortcut for iOS and Mac

🔗 📲 ⭐️ Clipboard Manager using Shortcuts for iOS - perfect for iPhone 15 Pro Action Button

Thursday, May 2, 2024 /clipboard/

Ever since I got the iPhone 15 Pro I’ve been loving the new Action button and I keep inventing ideas how to use it even more. I’ve added many Shortcuts to it, like Journaling, Watch Notes, Dice and others… and recently I came up with a very cool idea - how to finally build my very own Clipboard manager using Shortcuts that takes advantage of the Action button, adds very useful features and the result is… glorious - and you can get it for free below:

Clipboard Manager using Shortcuts for iOS - perfect for iPhone 15 Pro Action Button

🔗 ⌚️ WatchNotes - multiple notes on an Apple Watch!

Tuesday, February 27, 2024 /watchnotes/

Two months ago I posted WatchNote - a Shortcut to add a simple note directly to the Apple Watch which I use with my Ultra’s Action Button. After using it for a while I realized I could do something much more powerful: How about viewing or editing many notes directly from a watch? Well, here it is:

WatchNotes - multiple notes on an Apple Watch!

🔗 Roll the Dice Shortcut for your iPhone or Apple Watch!

Tuesday, December 26, 2023 /dice-shortcut/

A long time ago I built a page to roll the dice so that I can pull it up and use it when I’m playing games with my daughters and for some reason we have misplaced the dice: - but recently as I was playing more with Shortcuts I decided to build a Shortcut that could let you roll the dice on your iPhone, iPad, Mac or even an Apple Watch. And here it is:

Roll the Dice Shortcut for your iPhone or Apple Watch!

🔗 ⌚️ 🗯 How to use iMessage for note taking on the Apple Watch?

Wednesday, December 13, 2023 /smsnote/

Last week I posted a very geeky way to add notes to the Apple Watch which required complicated setup to work on my Apple Watch Ultra 2. However, Rafal (the VP of Product in Nozbe) saw that and he told me that by sending iMessages to yourself, you can have a similar workflow without all that complicated server setup.

How to use iMessage for note taking on the Apple Watch?

🔗 ⌚️ WatchNote Siri Shortcut - how to add and view a note on Apple Watch Ultra without an iPhone!

Thursday, December 7, 2023 /watchnote/

⌚️ 📲 🔗 ⭐️ Action button Siri Shortcut for your iPhone 15 Pro and Apple Watch Ultra

Tuesday, November 28, 2023 /action/

🔗 ✅ Adding tasks to Nozbe with Email or Siri Shortcuts - even from Apple Watch!

Monday, November 27, 2023 /nozbe-add/

🖋 📱 🔗 ⭐️ Journaling Shortcut version 3 - simplified, improved and with Apple Notes support

Monday, October 16, 2023 /journal3/

🖋 😎 🔗 ⭐️ Practice Gratitude every day to be happy, fulfilled and calm with this Siri Shortcut

Wednesday, August 30, 2023 /gratitude/

📱 🖋 🔗 New Journaling and Planning Siri Shortcut to help you stay focused and productive!

Thursday, September 15, 2022 /journal22/

📱 🖋 🔗 Start journaling today with this simple (and free) Siri Shortcut!

Thursday, July 7, 2022 /journal-basic/

✔️ 🔗 ⭐️ Ode to Markdown. Why I love ❤️ writing everything in plain text.

Thursday, April 28, 2022 /markdown/

⌨️ 🚀 🔗 blog redirects to here now - I am Michael DOT Team

Tuesday, January 18, 2022 /sliwinski_com/

📱 ✔️ 🖋 🔗 Simplify journaling, daily planning and time tracking with just one Siri Shortcut and iA Writer

Thursday, December 17, 2020 /journal20/

🚀 📲 📱 🔗 Psst… don’t tell YouTube that I created a page to watch videos without being tracked 🤫

Thursday, November 5, 2020 /youtube/

📱 🔗 How to download video and audio from YouTube using youtube-dl on the iPad

Thursday, October 15, 2020 /youtube-dl/

✔️ 🖋 🔗 My new journaling routine for 2020 using Shortcuts on iPad or iPhone and Bear app

Wednesday, January 15, 2020 /newjournal/

🗯 👨🏼‍💻 🔗 Digital Minimalism part 1 - fighting the compulsive iPhone checking - iMagazine column 19/03

Friday, March 1, 2019 /imag1903/

✔️ 📱 🖋 🔗 How intermittent journaling and some smart Siri shortcuts help me enjoy more intentional and productive days

Tuesday, February 5, 2019 /journaling/