Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do. More…

🎂 Birthday

Reflections on my life as I’m turning one year older with each passing year. Learnings, hopes, dreams and ideas.

🎂 45 and yet another iteration of Michael

Friday, May 24, 2024 /forty5/

This past Monday I turned 4️⃣5️⃣ so it’s time for yet another birthday 🎂 post with one more year of reflections. As I’m half way through my forties I can clearly see it’s gonna be all about iterations going forward. I’m iterating on myself, my life, my family, my business and I like seeing things slowly but surely improve:

45 and yet another iteration of Michael

🎂 44 and clarity of vision

Wednesday, May 24, 2023 /forty4/

Past weekend was my birthday and I turned 44. Last year I wrote about being able to choose what I wanted to do going forward. This year, I feel like I finally know. Yep, in the year where my vision started deteriorating, I have a better clarity of vision of what I want to do next! Isn’t that something?

44 and clarity of vision

🎂 43 and I get to choose what I want to do

Thursday, June 16, 2022 /forty3/

Welcome to my long-overdue birthday blog post. I turned forty three almost a month ago but never got around to writing what this age means to me. Considering my personal and business situation, the post-pandemic world and the war in Ukraine, it all comes down to one thing: I get to choose what I do from now on! Below I’m explaining what I mean by that and which choices I’m making:

43 and I get to choose what I want to do

🎂 42 and getting ready for a new reality

Friday, May 21, 2021 /forty2/

Yesterday I turned 42. I’m well in my forties now. Hopefully no mid-life crisis on the horizon. But I’m looking at the post-pandemic world and the new reality and I’m starting to adjust to it. I just got my first COVID-19 vaccine shot which is a great first step. Now I need to grow much more as a Nozbe CEO and NoOffice book author. Much more.

42 and getting ready for a new reality

🎂 41 - may you live in interesting times…

Monday, May 25, 2020 /forty1/

Last Wednesday, on May 20, 2020 - I turned forty one. Last year I closed out the four decades and this year I’m starting to really embrace the number four in my age. Especially now that the global COVID-19 pandemic is in full swing, I appreciate more than ever that I’m in a good health and I still have a job. Well, two actually as we’ve finally launched Nozbe Teams - our second productivity app - and we already have first paying customers. Anyway, here’s the recap of my “birthday thoughts”:

41 - may you live in interesting times…

🎂 Michael 4.0 - redesigned and happier than ever

Monday, May 20, 2019 /forty/

Today I’m turning 40. Forty. Yep, that’s four full decades of life for you right there. I can’t believe how quickly time flies. When I was a child, I used to think this was a monumental milestone… when I’ll be very very old… and yet here we are and I don’t feel that old. I feel great. Actually, I feel the best I’ve ever been. In this post I want to sum it up a little and express how grateful I am for turning forty today.

Michael 4.0 - redesigned and happier than ever

🎂 38 years young - the possibilities are infinite!

Monday, May 22, 2017 /38years/

This past weekend I turned 38 (Saturday, May 20). Another year. Another number. Creeping up on forty, but still not there yet. In this short post I want to let you know why the number 38 is so important to me and why I’m excited about what’s ahead of me.

38 years young - the possibilities are infinite!

📖 🎂 Today I turn 35. I’ve got a gift for you. My new book: “It’s all about Passion”

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 /its-all-about-passion/

Today is my 35th birthday and following the path of one of my favorite bloggers, Leo Babauta I decided to give you gift - a free book: “It’s all about Passion! How 7 types of passion helped me achieve success with my productivity startup”. I hope you’ll love reading it and it’ll inspire you to find passions in your life.

Today I turn 35. I’ve got a gift for you. My new book: “It’s all about Passion”