Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

My thoughts have been replaced by “Hamilton” lyrics…

🍿Impactful quotes,😎Life,⭐️Featured

I love musicals and I’m a huge fan of the Hamilton musical since I saw it first in London on West-end in 2019. Later it came to Disney+ with the original cast and the brilliant Lin-Manuel Miranda (see trailer below) and we’ve been having regular screenings with friends and family in our home. Later we took our entire family (including our three daughters) to see the show again on West-end in London in 2022. But that’s not all, as both my wife and me speak German, we even travelled to Hamburg in Germany, to attend a German-version of Hamilton last year. Our entire family is crazy about this show. We listen to the entire soundtrack in the car. And my eldest daughter got herself a shirt that says: “My thoughts have been replaced by Hamilton lyrics” which inspired me to write this post:

Hamilton lyrics replaced my thoughts?

In our family this is exactly what happened. We quote Hamilton constantly and here are some of the quotes (more-less in order of appearance) that we use when we talk to each other. Yep, we’re Hamilton geeks and we’re not ashamed of ourselves.

My thoughts have been replaced by “Hamilton” lyrics… 2 Hamilton Stage on West-end as seen from our seats as my entire family and friends saw the show in May 2022

Talk less… smile more…

When some of us start talking too much or are too excited we use that quote…

From: 🎵 Aaron Burr, sir

Don’t look at me like I’m stupid, I’m not stupid!

Oh I use it with lots of people. Especially when someone wants to bull-shit me into something.

What time is it? Show time!

Yeah, when we’re excited and being asked about time… instead of giving them the time, we show them the excitement!

I am not throwing away my shot!

When I’m taking a chance or when someone in my family is considering doing something brave…

From: 🎵 My Shot

Just you wait!

When I’m working on something and people don’t believe in me… and I really want to prove them wrong…

Raise the glass to freedom

When drinking wine… or celebrating something, anything!

Daddy doesn’t need to know…

My three daughters use it a lot when they want to do something I shouldn’t know about… (duh!)

From: 🎵 Schuyler Sisters

I’m a trust fund, baby, you can trust me!

When my daughters don’t trust me, I try to convince them with this line. It doesn’t always inspire confidence anyway…

Look around, how lucky we are to be alive right now!

When someone is down or complaining about our lives, we cheer them up with this!

I’d rather be divisive than indecisive

When I need to make a decision that may piss someone off… and I need courage to do that, I go back to this line by Alexander himself!

From: 🎵 Farmer Refuted

You’ll be back. Soon you’ll see. You’ll remember you belong to me…

When one of my daughters disobeys me or wants to do something against my will…

From: 🎵 You’ll be back

Why so sad?

When anyone is sad… this question cheers them up as they know it’s from King George!

Now you’re making me mad!

When they piss me off… and I want to make a point and turn it into a little joke.

You’ll remember that I served you well.

When I want to remind my daughters that I am a good father…

Rise up ⬆️

Just as a motivational speech. To cheer everyone up. Rise UP!

From: 🎵 Right Hand Man

I’m young, scrappy and hungry…

I remind myself that I indeed am (still) young, scrappy and hungry!

All I have is my honor, tolerance for pain and my top notch brain!

Just to remind myself that I’ve got all these things! So I’ll make it in business with my Nozbe.


When we do feel… helpless. It’s literally a cry for help.

From: 🎵 Helpless

You will never be satisfied!

When my daughters want something I cannot give them… and I want to tell it to them in a way so that they don’t get mad with me…

From: 🎵 Satisfied - my second best song

You will never find anyone as trusting or as kind

Just reminding my family how I am for them. Or how they are for me.

My thoughts have been replaced by “Hamilton” lyrics… germany With my wife in Hamburg after watching Hamilton in German!

I’m willing to wait for it…

When I’m impatient I repeat this phrase! To try to remember to think long term…

From my favorite song: 🎵 Wait for It

He exhibits no restraint

To remind myself I need to move forward fast! Just like Hamilton!

Life/Death doesn’t discriminate between the sinners and the saints… and it takes… and it takes…

To remind myself that life sometimes just take stuff from you… To remind myself to be more… stoic.

Changes the game, plays and he raises the stakes

Just like Hamilton, we should never be… satisfied! When things don’t work, change the game, play and raise the stakes! Let’s go! 💪

We raise and we fall and we make our mistakes

Yes we do. I try to remind myself about it.

Attack… retreat!

Sometimes we’re just confused about what to do!

From 🎵 Stay Alive

If they apologize no need for further action…

People should say they’re sorry more often… and when they do you should just let things go…

From: 🎵 10 Duel Commandments

I’m not sorry!

When I do something and my family doesn’t like my decision but I’m confident about it.

From: 🎵 That Would Be Enough

Look at where you are. Look at where you started…

So that we appreciate what we’ve got!

You have no control who lives who dies who tells your story…

Reminder when we worry too much about what others think about us and we should just focus on doing the right thing

From: 🎵 History Has Its Eyes On You

History has its eyes on you…

Watch out what you’re doing… I say this out loud when I see politicians doing something really wrong or against their principles or honor.

The world turned upside down!

When something unexpected happens.

From: 🎵 Yorktown

Immigrants - we get the job done!

Now that I live in the EU and share my time between Poland, Spain and Germany, I feel like the immigrant who is very productive and feels at home in all these countries! I feel European first, Polish second.

The price of my wars is not a price they’re willing to pay…

When the price of something is just too high…

From: 🎵 What Comes Next?

I’m so blue!

When I’m feeling blue… again my family gets this instantly!

Awesome! Wow!

When something’s not that awesome… A very sarcastic awesome.

I thought we made an arrangement…

When I thought we really did have a deal with one of my daughters and they change the rules…

You’re on your own…

When I’m letting them know they have to figure it out for themselves…

I’ll make a million mistakes…

History of my fatherhood…

From: 🎵 Dear Theodosia

The man is non stop!

To remind myself that Hamilton was indeed non-stop!

From: 🎵 Non Stop

Why do you assume you’re the smartest in the room?

When someone’s being a smart-ass…

Why do you always say what you believe?

Which is a good thing… We should be like Hamilton!

Why do you write day and night like you’re running out of time, like tomorrow won’t arrive, like it’s going out of style, like you need it to survive?

I’m a writer. And I think Hamilton’s attitude is what represents me. I love all these quotes together as they show the sense of urgency and importance to my writing. Here on this blog and in my #NoOffice Book.

My thoughts have been replaced by “Hamilton” lyrics… westend With my wife before we saw the Hamilton for the first time in 2019. Boy did we not know how we’re gonna be influenced by it!

What did I miss?

When something’s happened and I need to catch up.

From: 🎵 What’d I miss

Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…

In theory this is what we live for, right? A good reminder of what’s important.

From: 🎵 Cabinet Battle #1

We fought for these ideals we shouldn’t settle for less!

When I want to convince someone they shouldn’t settle and stand their ground.

If the shoe fits wear it!

When dressing up for something… this is really relevant when my daughters are taking so much time to leave the house…

That was a nice declaration

When one of my daughters wants to bull-shit me…

We know who’s really doing the planting!

When we know who’s really done a great job and who says they did but didn’t.

Such a blunder makes me wonder why I even bring a thunder!

When I’m over-reacting to something.

Convince them otherwise!

When someone is right, but is struggling to have good arguments!

Figure it out Alexander, it’s an order from your commander.

When I just delegate a task and try to tell them to go figure it out on their own.

Take a break

When someone really needs a break as they are tired…

From: 🎵 Take a Break

John Adams doesn’t have a real job anyway…

When someone’s pretending to do their work…

Show me how to say “no” to this…

When we’re in a tough spot and are struggling to make a decision and we’re tempted to NOT do the right thing.

From: 🎵 Say No To This

Nobody needs to know…

When I want to keep something a secret…

Decisions are happening over dinner!

When I want to convince my family to eat together and talk over things!

From: 🎵 The Room Where It Happens

No one else was in the room where it happened!

When we’re trying to be secretive… or at least talk over something without others knowing…

How the sausage is made?

When I’m curious how things are done!

I arranged the meeting, the menu, the venue, the seating!

When I’m trying to control everything I think I can…

Wouldn’t you like to work a little closer to home?

Yeah, basically this should be our #NoOffice manifesto!

You get nothing if you wait for it, wait for it!

Reminder that if you don’t act and just keep waiting, nothing happens.

If you don’t know, now you know!

When I’m explaining things to someone and they are having an epiphany.

From: 🎵 Cabinet Battle #2

Every action has its equal opposite reaction!

When witnessing how the world works!

The emperor has no clothes!

When I discover something brutal.

It must be nice, to have (someone) on your side!

Whenever I want to get my wife to do something for me, it must really be nice to have her on my side!

From: 🎵 Washington on your Side

One last time…

When we’re celebrating something for the last time… or when I wear my favorite worn-out t-shirt for the last time before I throw it away…

From: 🎵 One Last Time

Teach them how to say good bye!

Show them how it’s done. How to do something with class!

Are my answers to your satisfaction?

When I’m explaining something to someone and they don’t seem to believe me.

From 🎵 We Know

I wrote my way out!

Reminder that you can actually write your way out of almost everything… again the power of writing!

From: 🎵 Hurricane

He’s never gonna be the president now!

When someone did something really stupid and they should be ashamed of themselves!

From: 🎵 The Raynolds Pamphlet

I will choose her happiness over mine every time!

When I explain to my wife how her happiness is important to me.

I’m erasing myself from the narrative!

When I just want to stay out of this!

From: 🎵 Burn

You’ll sleep in your office instead!

When I do something bad, this is what my wife threatens me with!

You’ll blow us all away!

When one of my daughters is working on something cool and I want to praise her.

From: 🎵 Blow us all away

To just explain that in some places things are legal that are illegal everywhere else…

Learn to live with the unimaginable

To help us bear something we don’t want to bear…

From: 🎵 It’s Quiet Uptown

I won’t apologize for doing what’s right!

Whenever I stand for something.

From: 🎵 Your Obedient Servant

But I’m the one who paid for it!

Whenever I’ve made a mistake and payed dearly for it…

From: 🎵 The World Was Wide Enough

World is wide enough…

To explain that we should always go from the attitude of scarcity to abundance!

What would you do if you had more time?

This is the eternal question… If we only had more time… or better productivity?

From: 🎵 Who Lives Who Dies Who Tells Your Story

My thoughts have been replaced by “Hamilton” lyrics… family My family attending Hamilton show on West-end in May of 2022

Hamilton lyrics are just mind-blowing 🤯

That’s why the Hamilton Musical received a Pulitzer Prize for writing. It’s just a great musical with great lyrics, amazing songs and very upbeat music and no wonder mine and my family’s thoughts have been replaced by these lyrics and are with us every day…

I think I included all of the quotes that are important, but contact me to let me know “What did I miss?” (pun intended)!

Friday, August 23, 2024 /hamilton/