Focusing on the WHEN and not the HOW…
Today I’m at a catholic families retreat with fellow friends and we’ve been discussing (among other things) our problems with regular prayer. Or “meeting with God”, or better yet: “meeting with dad” (like someone would call Him). And one of my friends said something that struck me - that his biggest obstacle to praying well is focusing too much on HOW (which prayer, which bible excerpt…) instead of just setting aside the time to do it - the WHEN… and I found it fascinating as it clearly applies not only to prayer, but to most aspects of our lives.
The “HOW” creates a barrier of entry and welcomes procrastinating…
When we don’t know how to solve a problem, we just agonize over this and we put off the moment of dealing with it. We don’t know HOW to solve it so we postpone it. We leave it for later. The HOW stops us from acting on it.
We need to create space… create the WHEN…
Sometimes all we need is just set aside some time. I’ve found out that sometimes only 2 hours help me figure out a problem and really move the thing forward.
The same with my prayer… I should just dedicate some time for God and let myself figure out the mechanics of the prayer then.
In this busy world it’s increasingly more about the WHEN than the HOW… once you’ve got the WHEN, you’ll have the mental energy to figure out the HOW.