Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do. More…

We’ve been Lifehacked… and it feels great!


Why have we been Lifehacked? Well, because of the amount of people who came here from the Lifehacker blog… it’s an analogy in geek talk when a page has been slashdotted due to a short info on the Slashdot. This info can kill servers and make pages offline. We survived. Our downloads are going strong and we’re more than happy and welcome everyone! What exactly happened? Thanks to a chain reaction and a blog post on jkOnTheRun (thanks James!) and later Lifehacker (thanks Jason!) and Web Worker Daily (thanks Scott!), we’ve received thousands of new readers to our Productive! Magazine.

We’ve been Lifehacked… and it feels great!

Thanks everyone who came and downloaded our first issue of the Productive! Magazine - please post your comments and send us your feedback. We’re already working on the second issue and we want to make it even better! BTW, we’re approaching 15K downloads as of writing this blog post… in just a little over four days… isn’t that incredible?

P.S. The downloads are going strong, but our mailing list provider is experiencing some issues with email queuing so if you’ve signed up for our mailing list and haven’t received your confirmation message, you will in a couple of hours. Sorry for this delay. If you have downloaded the magazine, do sign up for our mailing list and you’ll receive updates on the new issue.