Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

Two organizations that do a great job of helping those in need


Charitable work is very important to me and that’s why all these years of running Nozbe I’ve been putting aside 3% of our monthly profits to charity and also I donate $1 of each copy sold of my new book 10 Steps to Ultimate Productivity and 5 PLN of each copy sold of the Polish edition of this book… but one thing is to have the money to give… and another is to really use this money for a good cause.

This year I supported two charitable organizations from my home country of Poland during the Christmas time because I’m really impressed how they’re going about using the funds to support those in need.

Two organizations that do a great job of helping those in need

Two organizations I supported this time of year

One is “Polska Akcja Humanitarna (PAH)” and their “Pajacyk” program which basically caters to make sure children in dire situations get at least one warm meal a day. Very focused and simple cause, yet neglected by many. It’s not a Christmas-specific action - it’s all year long, but at Christmas I felt like I wanted to support them more this time of year. One of their key supporters is my dear friend, Michal Szafranski and he was the one to bring this program to my attention.

The other one is “Szlachetna Paczka” and their work is really focused on Christmas time - they’re helping regular Polish families help other families in very dire circumstances.

This program is really brilliant, because not only do they actively seek out the families in need, but they also really do some serious due-diligence to make sure these families are not pretending to require help, that they really list things they desperately need and that they won’t go off and sell what they received to buy alcohol or other things. I’m really impressed how they operate and how many dedicated volunteers they have that perform this hard job of finding the families and getting the gifts (packages) to them delivered.

I also help them support by inspiring future leaders

The “Szlachetna Paczka” organization has been through some controversy recently because of their ex-leader who apparently wasn’t fit to run an organization of this scale, but all these issues shouldn’t undermine the work of this organization and above else, its volunteers.

I’ve been supporting them for quite a few years now and that’s why when they organized a conference in Krakow last year and invited me as a speaker - I was honored and happy to accept and hopefully inspire the future leaders of their organization that impossible is nothing :-)

I actually gave a talk about 5 things that we usually say that “can’t be done”… but they really can… and should.

Click to watch my talk from their conference in January 2017 (in Polish)

Thursday, December 20, 2018 /szp/