Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

Are you a SMART business owner? Do you believe in what we believe?


I took the well-known SMART acronym and adapted it to the way I describe my ideal customers - people who have been supporting my Nozbe app since 2007. Let’s find out what SMART way of working means:

Are you a SMART business owner? Do you believe in what we believe?

Note: this is a transcript of the email Newsletter I sent to my 1500+ subscribers a while back. If you want to be one of them, sign up for my free Newsletter. You can unsubscribe anytime! or if you use LinkedIn, you can subscribe there, too!

😎 Smart Business Owners like yourself are modern professionals…

…who want to manage it all as effectively as possible from any device: computer, tablet or smartphone. You are modern, tech-savvy and unstoppable. You believe you can change the world! You’re S M A R T:

S is for SIMPLICITY - you want to solve your business and life challenges in a simple way ☝️

You want powerful features hidden under a simple interface. You manage your business and personal life in a very simple structure of: projects, tasks and comments.

M is for MEETINGS - they are important but you want to have only few of them 🤝

You believe that meetings should be regular, optional and well prepared. When you use Nozbe or other online collaboration platforms, everything is being discussed in a written form asynchronously.

A is for AMBITIOUS - because your small team can do great things. 🚀

You plan and execute easily with projects. You set up templates as procedures. You convert emails to tasks automatically and your team is able to get more done than your bigger competitors!

R is for REMOTE and hybrid work, so your team can have the flexibility of working from anywhere! 🌍

You know that work is not a place to go, it’s a thing to do, right? Your online platform like Nozbe becomes your main office in the cloud available from anywhere.

T is for TIME for work and leisure. You want to achieve the best work-life balance for yourself and people your work with! 👨‍👩‍👧‍👧

You also believe you should be able to use the same great tools to manage your work projects as well as private ones. You work to live, right?

✅ As a SMART Business Owner you want to…

…execute in a SIMPLE way, have fewer MEETINGS and achieve your AMBITIONS while embracing REMOTE work and valuing TIME of everyone on your team. Does it sound like you?


Thursday, February 29, 2024 /smart/