Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

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The Podcast #32 - How To Get Fat


New episode of your favorite weekly podcast about “technology, productivity tips, business, publishing, and whatever else comes to mind…” is out! This time we talk about diets and about what really makes us fat in the context of the book Why We Get Fat? (Amazon or Audible). Ok, Radek talks and I listen:

The Podcast #32 - How To Get Fat

Radek is very impressed by the book How we get fat which I reviewed earlier on this blog. After all this book changed the way I eat. Hope you’ll also be as impressed after listening to this show.

Listen to this week’s episode:

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Show notes for this episode:


Wednesday, February 3, 2016 /podcast-32/