Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

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A new experience: becoming a micro celebrity


Imagine this situation: I’m in a bar on the beach in my home town, enjoying a quiet evening with my wife and a couple of our friends. When out of the blue someone comes up to me and asks me: “excuse me, are you Michael Sliwinski, the founder of Nozbe?” Wow, that was unexpected. My friends’ jaws dropped. And it wasn’t the first time this happened to me… Like when I was on a conference in the U.S. and someone asked me who I was and before I managed to reply, someone right behind me started talking about me to them…

A new experience: becoming a micro celebrity

It’s so nice to be recognized at all, it really is. I’m pretty visible thanks to my Productive Show and 10 Steps to Ultimate Productivity course but I’m actually taking credit for a product that I founded, but is being developed by a 20+ person team: Nozbe. So it’s not just me. It’s actually my team that is being recognized here.

But it’s really really nice on a personal level, too. It’s just a great feeling.

There’s lots of responsibility on my part. When others can recognize you, you have to behave well. You can be goofy but you can’t do stupid things. You have to make sure you never leave your integrity out of the door. People look up to you. And that’s good.

It feels so great to be recognized for what you love. And I love my job. And I believe we’re making the world a more organized place. One happy and productive user at a time. So I’m really looking forward to shaking hands with any Nozbe user I meet.

I do this not just for me but mostly for you!

So if you see me in real life somewhere, don’t be shy, come say “hi”. Thanks!

Question: Have you ever been recognized on the street by a stranger?

Friday, September 4, 2015 /micro-celebrity/