Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

42 and getting ready for a new reality


Yesterday I turned 42. I’m well in my forties now. Hopefully no mid-life crisis on the horizon. But I’m looking at the post-pandemic world and the new reality and I’m starting to adjust to it. I just got my first COVID-19 vaccine shot which is a great first step. Now I need to grow much more as a Nozbe CEO and NoOffice book author. Much more.

42 and getting ready for a new reality

New kind of CEO

Even though I’m 42 now, I still don’t think I’ve grown up enough to be a CEO my company deserves. There’s a lot to learn. A lot to embrace.

I just started a coaching program. I’m in the middle of company restructuring and I’m re-shaping my role as the CEO and leader of this team. Lots to learn.

I want to be as smart as my guru Michael Hyatt when I grow up. It was so much fun celebrating my birthday with him yesterday!

New kind of Nozbe

We’ve got two apps, Nozbe Personal and Nozbe Teams now and in the coming months we need to figure out a way to communicate this to our prospective customers. Now we very often get them confused and they don’t know which app is for them. Time to set the record straight.

I feel like we’ve overslept this pandemic time. As a company we’ve been ready for this. We’ve been working without an office for a long time and we should be leading the way, but we’re not. Not yet at least.

New kind of book!

Time to finish it off! I’m almost done with the #NoOffice book but I’m really procrastinating finishing it. I’m not sure why. I need to beat this and get my act together. And re-connect with my true “why”.

I’m right before the finish line and it feels I’m sabotaging my goal. And the world needs my book! I see that they do.

Time to grow up!

Yes, I’m 42 and feels I have lots of growing up to do. If you’re reading this, thanks for being around and cheering me on. Please don’t stop, send me kudos on Twitter or on Instagram.

I’m 42 and I feel like I’m barely getting started. Let’s go!

Friday, May 21, 2021 /forty2/