Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do. More…

Eat that frog! Brian Tracy’s take on procrastination - audiobook of the week


I keep on listening to these great audiobooks and today I decided to dive into the book I “read” a few months ago - it’s Brian Tracy’s take on procrastination:

Eat that frog! Brian Tracy’s take on procrastination - audiobook of the week

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It’s an excellent motivational book. Brian really knows how to convince you to eat that frog in the morning… meaning - to start off a day with the most important task, even though it might taste like a frog in the beginning.

The importance of big tasks

Brian is not the only one to bring this about. Leo Babauta is highlighting this in his Zen To Done approach (learn more about Leo in Productive Magazine #4) where he talks about three big rocks you need to take on every day.

Why should we eat “that frog”?

Completion, accomplishment, power. These are the most important senses we get from tackling the “big rocks” or eating ‘that frog”. When you start off a day, you’ll be overwhelmed by lots of tasks that come by, lots of fires to put out and lots of people to talk to and deal with… and if you don’t watch out, you’ll spend the day dealing with these issues as they go… and feel like you haven’t accomplished a thing that day.

Discover your frogs for tomorrow… today!

Plan this - decide what needs to be done tomorrow - and plan to do it. Don’t overwhelm yourself. Decide on max three frogs. The next day start with the ugliest frog and go from there… or start with the mid-ugly frog, than go to the ugliest one and finish it off with the one that’s “more eatable”.

How to find these frogs?

Read the book (or listen to Brian via audio) and you’ll find the motivation you need to literally eat that frog and have a great and productive day… every day. Good luck.