The Podcast #186 - The courage to be disliked
This week on The Podcast we discuss yet another book, this time “The courage to be disliked” (Amazon, Audible) and why we need more of that type of courage in our lives.
Watch this short teaser and listen to this episode below:
to the entire episode (~ 38 min):
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The Podcast is a weekly podcast chat with Radek and yours truly (we both work at Nozbe) about productivity, business, books, and whatever else comes to mind… - if you liked this episode, make sure to check out past episodes.
Show notes for this episode:
- The Courage To Be Disliked by Ichiro Kishimi and Fumitake Koga (audible)
- Punished by Rewards by Alfie Kohn (audible)
- Overpowering Your Lizard Brain by Seth Godin
- Nozbe 3
- Nozbe 4
- Radex notes on the “Courage to be disliked”
- Derek Sievers notes on the book