Hello, I’m Michael Sliwinski, founder of Nozbe - to-do app for business owners and their teams. I write essays, books, work on projects and I podcast for you using #iPadOnly in #NoOffice as I believe that work is not a place you go to, it’s a thing you do.

Why batching & grouping tasks is good for your productivity?


✅ Apart from the usual Nozbe structure of projects, tasks and comments - there is a feature that will give you superpowers to group your tasks better for execution using “contexts” or “tags” like this:

Why batching & grouping tasks is good for your productivity?

Note: this is a transcript of the email Newsletter I sent to my 1500+ subscribers a while back. If you want to be one of them, sign up for my free Newsletter. You can unsubscribe anytime! or if you use LinkedIn, you can subscribe there, too!

☑️☑️☑️ Batching tasks prevents multitasking

It reduces task-switching costs - the mental effort needed to switch between different activities. No more writing a report, making a phone call, and checking emails… instead you group all phone calls and emails together!

🌊 Batching helps you enter flow state

Flow is easier to achieve when you’re doing the same type of task repeatedly, rather than constantly switching between different types of work. You’re in a flow… or groove 🕺

🪫 Batching also conserves mental energy ⚡️

You reduce decision fatigue - the mental exhaustion that comes from constantly deciding what to work on next. You can block time to handle all your calls or emails in one go!

🏷️ Tags in Nozbe help group and batch and more!

It’s a more flexible and intuitive way to group and categorize tasks. Tags in Nozbe are dynamic, allowing you to add attributes that make sense for your work and life: based on tools, locations, projects, or even urgency!🔥

🙋 Tags are optional but helpful!

The traditional structure of projects > tasks > comments is great but thanks to tags you can group tasks across various projects by tool, location, person or mental state — so you can work more efficiently.

🎧 Learn more about batching, grouping and tags!

In the latest episode of the #NoOffice podcast you’ll learn all about it with practical examples, applications and best practices from 1000s of productive Nozbe customers:


Friday, September 27, 2024 /news-tags/